NTTDATA Unlimited Future
10 LOOKING AT THE FUTURE Taiji Doi 5G Business Promoter NTT DATA Corporation It follows that open standards are key to fast, smooth interaction across the network, as modern services would not work (certainly not in the fast, efficient way we as users require) without the most rapid and simple method of connecting devices in the network. The complexity required to negotiate different forms of connectivity, using proprietary methods and software, would slow down the delivery of services to the point where they become effectively unworkable. That’s why NTT DATA and several other leading technology players came together some years ago to create the Open RAN Alliance, which has the task of establishing open standards for device access in networks, ensuring that services will be accessible, workable and deliverable at speed, anywhere and anytime. O-RAN is a concept now accepted across the entire world industry, and is the foundation for the complex services we are now taking for granted. Without these common standards, however, such services would be impossible. Order out of complexity Today’s intelligent cloud-based networks provide the environment in which extraordinary advances can happen. Today, both consumers and corporate users take it for granted that they can devise and curate their own personalized services, and that network intelligence, enabled by automation and AI, will deliver those services, securely to the required devices. Network operators understand better than anyone that managing this level of complexity would simply be impossible without the range of management tools, intelligent assistants and automated solutions companies like NTT DATA provide. We take access to services from any device, at any location, anytime we want them as a basic fact of life. The way we consume and transfer data, and even the way that major enterprises organise and operate, are increasingly based on this operational reality. Making the complex appear simple is not an easy achievement. At FYUZ, it is not surprising this was a vital topic for discussion.