NTTDATA Unlimited Future

13 As the availability of AI-related techniques increases (and it will do so at speed in the next few years), so the ability for networks to achieve near 100% availability will grow. Our global economy will be rooted in these levels of reliability, so this is a key priority for us all. These developments are supported by: Self-audit, asset management The key to successful asset management, and this is a basic requirement for efficient, reliable networks. We have developed solutions that use a combination of techniques devised for managing the most complex supply chains to ensure networks never underperform as a result of poor asset management. Blockchain is used to ensure the integrity and pinpoint the location of each asset; asset lifecycle solutions are used to manage active life, together with the right options for replacement and recycle (minimising waste and consequent environmental damage); while automated assistants ensure that every item is tracked in real time. By putting together an effective audit and management solution of this kind, we can enable network managers to identify every asset, with a full report on its status and lifecycle, at once, all the time.